Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Dammit, I started getting spam on my Google Mail account. For the moment, it's about one a day, and the spam filtering catches.
Also, it's clearly designed to fox spam filters, resulting in some rather surreal text:

Coming from where? I asked.
A galactic garbage dump! I cried aloud. Where you holier-than-thou
Now is the time, Captain. For at this meeting I am not only going to
Oh, I do appreciate a sense of humor, stranger. The tentacle took
there. Stand up, Jim! I got as far as my knees and he came on.
will not shout or you really will be dead. You will speak to me softly
slumworld. Think quickly, Jim, before things get any worse.
Very gradually the wall became higher as we walked beside it. In
tearful thanks in advance. This is the experience that will change
the bed, turn off the searing lights, stumble on all fours to my pack
everything was in great swing already. I ready. And gory too; I

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two months late, I know, but I just read this in a spam sent about the same time.
It's from Harry Harrison's "Stainles Steel Rat Sings the Blues". Great story, series; good writer.